Rachael Freeman Long, Mariano Galla, Konrad Mathesius, Sarah Light and Dan Putnam
Date of Publication:
April 6, 2018
Alfalfa and Forage News
Yikes, my weed control didn’t work! It’s springtime and you’re looking at your seedling alfalfa field that you planted late last fall. You have a great stand, but you’re not quite satisfied with the level of weed control despite an earlier herbicide application. You still see weeds out there, including bristly oxtongue, thistles, mustard, dandelion, and fiddleneck. You know that weed infestations can weaken young alfalfa plants, retard growth, delay the first cutting, reduce quality, and result in long term damage to crop yield and stand persistence.
The field is still a seedling stand, considered as such until at least the first hay cutting (around the 6-9 leaf stage and a crown is forming). The plants in your stand are only 3-6 inches tall and you see some new, late germinating seedlings that you want to keep, perhaps delayed by the lack of rain and long, dry, cold spell last winter. The field is not Roundup Ready and you’re looking for some post-emergent herbicide options. What should you use?
Read the rest of the article:
Key to Managing Springtime Weeds in Seedling Alfalfa Stands: Patience
- Management Practices
- Feed and Nutrition
- Key to Managing Springtime Weeds in Seedling Alfalfa Stands: Patience
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