• The aim of selection is to increase the frequency of desired alleles and decrease the frequency of undesired genes in a population, ideally producing animals that breed true for the genotypes and phenotypes selected for. One influence on the effectiveness of selection on gene frequency changes is the initial gene frequency in a population. Consider two alleles at locus A: A1 is wanted and A2 is not. This graph plots the frequency of A2 in each successive generation, showing the effect of selection against that unwanted allele A2 over many generations: more »
  • Camelids are economically important production animals in many areas of the world. Early pregnancy loss is a major cause of reproductive inefficiency. Pregnancy maintenance depends on a timely signaling mechanism called maternal recognition of pregnancy (MRP). This mechanism is not well characterized in camelids. The work presented in this thesis is part of a larger research program to study early embryo development and MRP, as well as factors involved in early pregnancy loss. more »
  • In this article, you are about to see that the South American Camelids appear to be a physiological and anatomical blend between cattle, horses, pigs and cats! I will point out these similarities as the article progresses. more »
  • In July 2018, four alpacas on a property north-east of Melbourne presented with ill-thrift and anaemia. Samples sent for laboratory testing confirmed infection with Mycoplasma haemolamae (previously Eperythrozoon sp.). more »
  • Below are some tables that summarise the levels of confidence and numbers of matings required to detect a completely recessive allele. These assume that all the mates are of one group, such as all are known carriers, or all are daughters, or all are randomly picked from a population. more »
