Timothy R Crawshaw, Jeremy I Chanter, Adrian McGoldrick and Kirsty Line
Date of Publication:
7 February 2014
Irish Veterinary Journal 2014 67:5
Cases of Mycobacterium bovis infection South American camelids have been increasing in Great Britain. Current antemortem immunological tests have some limitations. Cases at post mortem examination frequently show extensive pathology. The feasibility of detecting Mycobacterium bovis DNA in clinical samples was investigated.
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Created by kristi • Last edit by kristi on 01/23/19 05:21 pm
A Proof of Concept Study to Assess the Potential of PCR Testing to Detect Natural Mycobacterium bovis Infection in South American Camelids
- Animal Health
- Diseases (Bacterial)
- A Proof of Concept Study to Assess the Potential of PCR Testing to Detect Natural Mycobacterium bovis Infection in South American Camelids
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