Tag: "nematodes"

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  • Objectives: 1.To assess the worm control practices used by alpaca farmers in Australia by conducting a questionnaire survey 2.To determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodeof alpacas in various climatic zones in Australia, using traditional and the latest molecular diagnostic methods 3.To undertake field efficacy studies to determine the status of anthelmintic resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes of alpacas 4.To train a research higher degree (MPhil/PhD) student more »
  • BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal nematodes (GINs) can cause significant economic losses in alpacas due to lowered production of fibre and meat. Although no anthelmintics are registered for use in alpacas, various classes of anthelmintics are frequently used to control parasitic gastroenteritis in alpacas in Australia and other countries. Very little is known about the current worm control practices as well as the efficacy of anthelmintics used against common GINs of alpacas. This study aimed to assess the existing worm control practices used by Australian alpaca farmers and to quantify the efficacy of commonly used anthelmintics against GINs of alpacas. more »
  • Alpacas and llamas are susceptible to many of the gastro-intestinal nematodes or “worms” that infect sheep and cattle, including barber’s pole worm (Haemonchus spp) and the scour worms. The behavior of worms in alpacas is not well described and is currently being studied at the University of Melbourne. The project is identifying worm species, worm behaviour, methods of diagnosis/monitoring of worm burdens and worm control in alpacas. In the interim, camelid farmers need to extrapolate from sheep research on how best to control worms. more »
  • Parasitic nematodes can cause substantial clinical and subclinical problems in alpacas and anthelmintics are regularly used to control parasitic nematodes in alpacas. Although anthelmintic resistance has been reported in ruminants worldwide, very little is known about anthelmintic resistance in alpacas. The present study was carried out to confirm a suspected case of anthelmintic resistance in Haemonchus contortus in alpacas in Australia. more »
  • Llamas and alpacas are host to several internal and external parasites. Few published studies exist on the incidence, prevalence and pathogenic effects of many parasites reported in these animals. Treatment and control is further complicated by a lack of licensed antiparasitic products or specific guidelines on their use, nor recommended dose rates based on efficacy and pharmacokinetic studies. more »
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