Tag: "skin"

  • South American camelids kept as zoo or farm animals often display skin lesions, the aetiology of which remains unresolved. Mostly, only a few individuals in a herd are affected. The empirical treatment consists of oral doses of zinc (Zn), and lesions usually improve over two to three months. It is unclear whether the syndrome is a Zn deficiency or a disorder that responds to supra-physiological systemic Zn concentrations (Rosychuk,1994). Although it has been mentioned that males and animals of dark fleece colour might be more susceptible (Fowler, 1989; Rosychuk, 1994), no systematic evaluation of factors that predispose animals to the condition has been published. more »
  • Skin disease in alpacas can be due to a variety of different causes: bacteria, fungi, allergies, nutritional problems, and various parasites. One of these parasites is the Chorioptic mange mite. Chorioptic mange can be a real headache to the alpaca owner. Difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to treat, this exasperating parasite can masquerade as its cousin, Sarcoptic mange, or hide out under secondary fungal and/or bacterial infections. more »
