Tag: "protozoal"

  • A variety of parasites affect the gastrointestinal tract of New World camelids. Some of these are unique to camelids, but many also infest or infect ruminants, other domestic animals, cervids, or other wildlife as well. As a rule, parasitic infections are more associated with ill thrift than more specific and overt signs of GI disease, such as diarrhea or colic, but as such, they are among the most common causes of poor-doing in domestic camelids. Awareness of the importance of protozoal enteritis has been growing steadily. This is reflected both in the number of scientific publications, and the overall recognition that parasite control strategies must extend beyond anthelmintics. Also, once considered diseases of crias, certain protozoal enteritides are now widely recognized as important disorders of all ages of camelids. more »
