Tag: "poison"

  • Hopefully, all breeders of alpacas know the appropriate feed for their alpacas. We know the ratio of hay to grain. We know we need to provide grass and foraging for our animals, but do we know which plants are safe foraging plants and which plants are not? We humans have been placing so much importance on the need for fresh vegetables and greens in our diet that we can certainly identify with the need to provide fresh greens for our animals. It would be easy to assume that the vegetables and greens that grow in our organic gardens are healthy and safe for our animals, after all, we eat them. This, however, is a dangerous assumption. What is healthy and safe for humans is not necessarily safe for camelids. The gardens that we routinely plant around our farms and ranches; vegetable and flower, could be deadly for our alpacas should we not be careful. It is, also, dangerous to assume that the most common trees and shrubs that surround our property are equally safe. Just because we see these plants everywhere does not mean that they are innocuous. more »
