Herd Assessment

  • Alpaca Herd Health: Performing an Exam

    Performing regular examinations on your alpacas is critical to maintaining a healthy herd. Those of us living in whitetail deer & snail/slug territory have a regular reminder to do an assessment of our animals when we administer injections to prevent meningeal meningitis infections. A physical examination can take as little as one minute per animal and can be done many times by one person.More »
  • An Introduction to Diseases of Alpacas in Australia

    Although not the subject of this article, for long term herd health it is important that the following fundamental elements are in place: Good nutrition and husbandry, protection from extremes of weather, parasite control strategies and genetic selection for health (e.g. fertility, adequate milk production, good cria growth rates, freedom from genetic disease, avoidance of excessive in-breeding, etc), not just selection for fleece characteristics and the show ring.More »
