Tag: "plant"

  • A preference-based approach, using the internet-based software 1000Minds, was used to derive part-worth utilities of farmers’ assessments with respect to traits in the definition of a breeding objective for sheep in Ireland and pasture plants in Australia. The most critical issue in developing such approaches is the clear definition of traits and the use of realistic ranges of variation in trait performance in order to define alternatives. Conversion of part-worth utilities (percentages) into economic values requires that the economic value is generated within the survey by providing respondents with options that relate to traits which can be defined in economic terms. In presenting alternatives, application of discounted gene-flow principles to breeding objectives in survey-based methods depends on the way questions are asked. It was apparent that respondents’ understanding of traits (attributes, levels), experience with the traits, and how alternatives are presented are very important in using preference-based approaches to define breeding objectives. Issues related to separation of true differences in preferences,confounding and double counting (in animal breeding objectives) are challenges in development of breeding objectives from such preference approaches. more »
