Thread last updated on Oct 04, 2018 at 12:59 am
1 kristi Oct 04, 2018 12:59 am
We are closing our doors to this exclusive membership permanently on December 31st, 2018!
There is still time to make a once-only donation of US$950, for which you you will receive for life, with our utmost appreciation:
- a large listing in the "Foundation Members" section of our Supporters Page - be as wordy and as picturesque as you like!
- that same listing displayed on our Advertisers Pages (the main index page and relevant subsections)
- your logo and a link to your website displaying in rotation with other Foundation Members atop every Library article and forum page in a special "Brought to You by Our Foundation Member:" section
- a large banner ad with a link to your website displaying in rotation with other ads on every Library article page in a clearly marked "Sponsored Ad" section. You can elect to have that ad appear in specific sections of the Library only, if better for you. (For example you may wish to only appear in the Fiber Processing section)
- your logo and a link to your website displaying in the scrolling marquee at bottom of the Donations home page
- the right to display the exclusive "Foundation Supporter!" badge on your website
- and did we mention lifetime recognition on the International Alpaca Reference Library website?!
All sponsorships and donations can be made online here:
With much thanks,
Kristi and Ian
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