• Anatomical structure. more »
  • A glossary of breed standard terms. more »
  • The ideal Suri alpaca is the epitome of true alpaca type with a distinctive elegant profile, perfect head, and outstanding conformation. Suri Network members strongly believe that it is important to preserve the purity of the Suri genotype by breeding Suri males to Suri females. The Suri fleece exhibits highly aligned, draping locks of high luster, fine, slick and cool handling fiber. As Suri alpacas approach the ideal state, they express more positive fleece characteristics than less improved types. The concept of the ideal alpaca is not a static model. It is the process of the pursuit of excellence that will fuel genetic improvement for decades. Highly heritable traits are selected for genotypic gain in the individual offspring’s expression of positive breed characteristics, which exist along a continuum. more »
  • S.H.I.P. incorporates a variety of tools for Suri owners to utilize the pedigree, phenotype and fiber records for preserving and advancing the Suri industry while adding value to individual Suris within herds. This page is a summary of some of the questions and answers most frequently asked for education and understanding of S.H.I.P. more »
  • Rustic yarn is all about creativity and imperfection. It’s about taking the fiber that you have and creating something that goes beyond the limits of what everyone else is doing. In the beginning, the knowledge and the skills may be less than expected, but improvement comes based on some aspect of natural talent, good luck, and the willingness to learn from the things that didn’t work. It also helps if you have someone nearby who initially knows more than you do. more »
