• There are solutions to the spread of BVDV and other infectious diseases. We can extrapolate from other livestock species’ proven methods to protect and treat alpacas. Finally, we can develop alpaca-specific, protective protocols and treatments. more »
  • Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD virus or BVDV), a serious problem in cattle, has now been proven to also cause illness, abortions, and most important of all, the persistently infected (PI) state in alpacas. The virus’s ability to produce persistently infected crias, the main way this disease would be spread, and its ability to cause abortions are extremely important for the alpaca industry. more »
  • This study sought to define the ranges of quality attributes of domestically-produced huacaya alpaca fiber using internationally accepted methods to objectively measure most of the important fiber characteristics. more »
  • Understanding fleece measurements as tools to make better sire selections in merino sheep with applications to alpacas. more »
  • Ram buying is an important part of a sheep business. Often it is only done on one day per year, so it may seem difficult to justify investing too much time in picking your rams. However, the impact of your ram buying decision can have a large and lasting impact on the profitability and sustainability of your sheep enterprise. This guide is aimed at helping you to understand the complexities of breeding profitable yet functional sheep that are right for your business. It focuses on how to make genetic gain in your sheep flock by selecting rams with the right estimated breeding values (EBVs). more »
