• The segregation of suri and huacaya fleece types in alpacas in the United States deviates from that expected from results of previously published studies from other regions. Suri × suri matings produced 278 huacaya and 1702 suri offspring. Suri × huacaya matings produced 89 huacaya and 56 suri offspring. Huacaya × huacaya matings produced 19,633 huacaya and 4 suri offspring. No linkage or other influence of sex was noted. These results are consistent with a single autosomal dominant gene controlling suri fleece production, with an additional relatively common genetic mechanism that can suppress the suri phenotype in some animals. These results are especially important in cases where the two fleece types are crossed with one another, as they result in a relative underproduction of suri fleeces. more »
  • To make predictions about coat color, or almost any other trait, in cria from specific breedings you need to understand some basic rules of genetics. Coat color is determined by genetics. When people say something is genetically determined, what they are really talking about is DNA. DNA is what codes for all of the proteins (things like hemoglobin, albumin, melanin, insulin, keratin tissues, hormones all the stuff that make up an alpaca), and for the instructions on how, when and where to make these proteins within the alpaca. Segments of DNA that code for proteins are called genes. more »
  • A 4-year-old alpaca stud was presented for examination of his reproductive tract. Ultrasonographic examination of the gonads revealed 2 cystic structures associated with the head of each epididymis. Biopsies of each testicle evidenced mild testicular degeneration. Histopathologic examination of the gonads revealed cystic efferent ductules in the head of each epididymis. more »
  • Alpaca breeders, unlike those of other species in a not-so-distant past, will not have to resort to numerous and time consuming test breedings to establish inheritance of color genes. We will soon know... with the competent help of one very busy, very knowledgeable woman and a few drops of blood... exactly why that alpaca is red or black. Imagine that! more »
